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Staked a quack witch instead of burning her at the stake

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13 min
7 July 2023
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The guy had stopped getting along with his wife in the marriage, so he risked going to a fortune teller to get something right. It was not for nothing that the boy did not believe in all this nonsense, because all magicians were charlatans, just like this redhead woman. Suspicions were justified when the bitch bared her boobs and started sucking her client's finger instead of making witch potions. Despite this, the guy was still hooked on everything that was going on and he couldn't push the beauty away, so he put her on his dick. They used to burn such witches at the stake, so the dude stained her face with cum, which was cooler, because she didn't even burn from shame.

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Guest (13 July 2023 16:33)
 Lola la la

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